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Infinitihairtique News!!

Healthy Looking Skin Starts from Within!! 

Appropriate nutrition and routine  exercise is key to healthy skin.

  A good nutritious diet and exercise plan can be of great significance on the well-being of the body. Maintaining a well - balanced diet and exercise plan will assist in optimizing remarkable health benefits that can be seen in the hair, skin, and nails.

Vitamins A, C, & E are key in a healthy diet.  Be sure to incorporate foods in your meals that supply the recommended daily allowance of these essential compounds.

Establishing a routine diet and exercise plan contributes to  vitality and  increases energy.

Skin Prep and Polish!!

"Clear, glowing skin is one of the Hallmarks of Beauty".

Looking to improve the appearance of your skin?

 Let's begin by adapting a beauty regimen.  First, we must target our attention on proper nutrition.  The consumption of the right foods to include  water is the beginning of our  skin care journey.  

Next, it is vitally  important to get adequate sleep. (i.e. six to eight hours) daily. Avoid exposure to the sun during peak hours (10am - 3pm).  Adapt lifestyle changes that include positive mental and physical health.

We then focus our attention on utilizing a cleanser, toner, serum, and moisturizer in the maintenance of our skin.



Now Offering Specials on Custom Wig Units and Hair Extension Packages.  

We invite you to Contact us for Additional Details.

" Serious Inquiries Appreciated"​

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